Passport Services

Passport services for Maldivians.

Visa Services

Apply for Visa services.

Travellers Declaration

Apply for travellers declaration.

Border Miles

Earn Points by visiting Maldives.

Immigration Watch

Report an immigration offence.

Report an Immigration or Border Offence
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Use the form below to report suspicious or illegal immigration activity. We take all reports seriously. Intentionally providing false or misleading information to government authorities is a criminal offense.
Fields marked* must be completed. However, any additional information will help us to respond more effectively. Prompt and appropriate action will be taken on all reports.
We do not provide status updates for information provided.
Privacy and security
Make sure that you have read and understood the Privacy Policy* and Terms & Conditions* using this service.
Your Details
You may choose to remain anonymous. If you decide to give us your name and contact details, your report will remain confidential and you will only be contacted if further information is required.
Do you wish to remain anonymous?*
Have you provided information about this activity before?*
Which category best describes the type of activity you are reporting?*
Who or what are you reporting?*
What other information can you provide?
Note: please provide as much credible and relevant detail as you can. Detailed information enables us to undertake timely and targeted action.
Has this activity already occurred?
When will the activity occur?
Where will the activity occur?
Note: you can upload up to 4 files. Each file should be no more than 3MB in size.
Please review the details of your report, if satisfied, press the submit button below. If you do not wish to submit the report, can cancel this form and it will erase all the information.

Reporter Details

Wish to send details anonymously.

Details of the Offence

Offence category

Entity type

Individual/Business name

Activity Details
